All About Them Senior Living Sales Mindset

Transform Your Sales
Talent Into Sales Leaders

  • Interactive eLearning Facilitated by Industry Experts
  • Research-Based Sales Psychology
  • Intensive Small-Group Learning Experiences
  • Ongoing Individual Coaching & Support

Request a Free Consultation!

    What Is the AAT Sales Mindset?

    The All About Them mindset harnesses the power of compassionate selling to help families overcome the fears, objections, and hesitation associated with senior living decisions. Our strategies have been practiced by some of the top 10 senior living companies and are founded on the concept of increasing community occupancy through a customer-focused experience that is all about THEM.

    Senior couple meeting with representative
    Young professionals in casual meeting

    Empower Your Sales Talent to Elevate Core Skills, Performance & Industry Standards

    Interactive training experiences that challenge salespeople to ask the primary question and drive the most successful actions – “who is it really about?” Through two progressive training programs, salespeople hone proven skills and maximize high impact sales results.

    2 Training Programs to Increase Engagement, Retention & Occupancy

    For New or Improving Talent

    Step away from the basics and start practicing and mastering skillsets like a professional athlete.

    Rehearsals is a six-week e-learning and small-group coaching experience to drill and practice the top 5 skills that escalate your inquiry-to-visit conversions.

    The greatest athletes and musicians of our time became the best by practicing and refining their skills with help from professional coaches. AAT Rehearsals gives salespeople of all experience levels the platform and guidance to strengthen their capabilities, expertise, and performance.

    Setting the tone with exceptional first impressions that demonstrate confidence and competence and build trust

    Asking questions to consistently gain the right information, details, and understanding to minimize objections and motivate decisions

    Explaining solutions that link customer needs and wants to community benefits while demonstrating capability of solving concerns

    Scheduling B.E.S.T. next steps that connect to what’s most important to the customer, demonstrate value, and have a specific date and time every time

    Responding to objections to discover the root cause and partner to find the right solution for the customer

    For Strong & Coachable Talent

    Retain your top talent and develop future sales leaders through elite master-level training.

    Who Can Benefit from our Masterclass?

    Seniors have been in control most of their lives and can become stuck in a state of “unreadiness” when faced with senior living decisions. Unready seniors use price as their decision-factor because of a lack of clear differentiation in the market.

    ALL ABOUT THEM Masterclass provides senior living salespeople with the knowledge and resources to build trust, motivate decision-making, and resolve fears to encourage “unready” seniors to make a move because it’s all about them.

    What Is the Purpose of the Masterclass?

    Masterclass teaches salespeople how to harness emotional intelligence and personalized communication with seniors and families during crucial moments to motivate them to make a decision.

    How Does It Work?

    • Four Courses
      1. E.A.R.N. Trust & Close (8 weeks)
      2. Personalize & H.E.L.P. Resolve Fear (8 weeks)
      3. Build Value & Awareness (8 weeks)
      4. Owning Productivity (4 weeks)
    • Small groups of 3-4 learners
    • Weekly small-group virtual classes
    • Books, competitions, and prizes
    • Knowledge test and peer-reviewed skills demonstration with coaching feedback
    • Individual coaching on skills, content, and application
    • Mystery shops and skill audits of sales process, first impressions, and social media presence
    • Options to do 1 or all of the Masterclass courses
    One on one coaching

    Ongoing 1-On-1 Coaching & Support

    Individual coaching and practice are available to current students in the All About Them programs. Additional post-graduation coaching options are available for continued improvement, growth, and results.

    Coaching can include lead audits, site-visit hands-on practice, strategic planning, team training, and overall motivation and accountability.

    Graduates of the full Masterclass program are invited to bi-annual alumni gatherings where we review key topics, share best practices, network, and remain connected to help each other grow and achieve our goals.

    Amber R. Carlson

    Amber Carlson-Hays

    ARCHway Learning Solutions President

    Amber Carlson-Hays has worked in senior living sales performance and national training for over a decade. She has a Master’s Degree in organizational development and leadership, a Master Trainer designation from the Association of Talent Development, a 2021 international award for Excellence in Education from the Global Forum of Education and Learning, and is a keynote speaker on leadership. Through her extensive peer-reviewed research, the ALL ABOUT THEM program was developed and tested to close more leads, earn more referrals, grow sales leaders, and help more seniors with a mindset that is focused on THEM!

    Testimonials from Recent Students

    Valuable In Every Aspect of My Day

    ” I have never been a part of such an in-depth training course such as this. It is very valuable in every aspect of my day. “

    Increased Conversions and Move-Ins

    ” I feel the tools I have gathered from the training have really helped me to slow down and be present in the moment. “

    22% increase in conversions, 5 move-ins

    Convey True Caring

    ” The course really helped me better understand the drivers and thought process of the seniors we serve. The techniques and strategies taught are natural. They don’t come off as ‘salesy’ or ‘gimmicky’, they convey true caring. “

    Perfecting Skills

    ” I’m perfecting my skills with the best! I love this program! “

    Highly Recommend

    ” I would HIGHLY recommend this course for new and seasoned sales and marketing directors. The knowledge you leave with is remarkable. “

    Changed How I Do My Job

    ” This course is very different than any other sales courses provided by my company. I was greatly challenged and have learned the content to a degree that it has changed how I do my job every day. “

    They Are All Coming Back

    ” I am using the tools and I’m using the timeline the customers want…giving them space to think and then, they come back, they are all coming back! “

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Rehearsals: On average, students see a 10% increase in their inquiry-to-visit conversions. Students also see improvement in their move-ins and professional outreach due to applying the skills practiced in the course to all aspects of their sales conversations. This training helps to improve sales talent to gain consistent results.

    Masterclass: On average, students increase their monthly move-ins by 1-2 more admissions per month and about 2-3 more professionally referred leads. About 50% of students are promoted to the next step in their career within 6 months of completing the program due to applying the knowledge and skills learned to working with their teams, stretching to other communities, and taking on more challenges. This training helps to level up your sales talent and create sales leaders.

    The research behind the psychology of the course is based on several peer-reviewed empirical studies, interviews with industry experts, conversations with community-based residents and their families, as well as years of person experience of the creator working with and coaching senior living salespeople for over a decade.

    The program includes references to the research and a book list is available for students.

    Rehearsals: $1895 per person with a minimum of 3 learners (maximum 4) per group to begin a program. The program fee includes full access to the online learning platform and content and individual Application Calls with each learner. Access to a computer and webcam required.

    Masterclass: Each course is $2995 per person with a minimum of 3 learners (maximum 4) per group to begin a program. The program fee does not include required books for the course (est. cost $150 purchased at community). Access to computer and webcam required. Discounted rates for full program sign-up.

    There is an opportunity for just one student to join from one community, but the start date is based on other students joining as well.

    Yes! When a company has an entire group of 3-4 students complete the program, there is room for a customized fit to use the company’s tools and processes. In-person workshops and customized programs can be created from the All About Them content to meet unique business needs.

    Sales trainers are important to a company’s success and All About Them is a program that can be combined with current practices. Having students participate in the All About Them programs is an addition to your offerings to your sales teams to help them advance their skills and close more sales.

    An ARCHway Learning Solutions Experience

    Transform Your Sales Talent Into Sales Leaders

    Motivate Customers & Professionals to Choose Your Communities Through a Unique Sales Process That Is All About Them

    • Interactive eLearning Facilitated by Industry Experts
    • Research-Based Sales Psychology
    • Intensive Small-Group Learning Experiences
    • Ongoing Individual Coaching & Support

    Request a Free Consultation!